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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Lamar Smith
Representative (R-TX) Chair, House Judiciary Committee
CSPAN 09/12/2012
The government cannot intentionally acquire communications when the sender and recipient are both in the United States without an individualized court order from a FISA judge. The government cannot reverse target individuals overseas in order to monitor those in the United States.
Lamar Smith
Representative (R-TX) Chair, House Judiciary Committee
CSPAN 09/12/2012
This means that the government cannot target a U.S. person simply by monitoring a non-U.S.. person that the U.S. person is talking to…. the government must obtain an individualized court order from the FISA court to target Americans outside the U.S.
Lamar Smith
Representative (R-TX) Chair, House Judiciary Committee
CSPAN 09/12/2012
This bipartisan bill ensures that our country will be able to identify and prevent threats to our national security without sacrificing the civil liberties of American citizens.
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